UAV-Based Estimate of Snow Cover Dynamics: Optimizing Semi-Arid Forest Structure for Snow Persistence

Seasonal snow cover in the dry forests of the American West provides essential water resources to both human and natural systems. The structure of trees and their arrangement across the landscape are important drivers of snow cover distribution …

Basic Forest Inventory with UAV Structure from Motion

In this post I show a simple way to use UAV-derived Structure from motion (SfM) point cloud data to segment and measure some trees.

UAV-derived estimates of forest structure to inform ponderosa pine forest restoration

Restoring forest ecosystems has become an increasingly high priority for land managers across the American West. Millions of hectares of forest are in need of drastic yet strategic reductions in density (e.g., basal area). Meeting the restoration and …

Quantifying snow cover and persistence in a post restoration environment: UAV-derived forest structure data and forest gap radiation modeling

Snow cover and persistence are important drivers of late spring and early summer water availability in forest ecosystems. The structure and orientation of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest patches and interspaces regulate the localized net …

Estimating forest restoration treatment effects on forest structure: Multi-temporal UAV SfM model and multispectral image analysis

The ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests across Arizona have undergone significant changes in their structure and composition since European-American settlement in the 1860's. At present, Southwestern ponderosa pine forests are dense with …